Page 91 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 91

Anode rays:                 A stream of rays originated from the anode
                 Protons:                    Posi  vely charged par  cles that are found inside the nucleus

                 Neutrons:                   Electrically neutral par  cles that are found inside the nucleus
                 Nucleus:                    The posi  vely charged central part of an atom containing protons and neutrons

                 Atomic number:              The number of protons present inside the nucleus of an atom
                 Mass number:                The sum total of the number of protons and the number of neutrons present
                                             inside the nucleus of an atom of an element

                 Rela  ve atomic mass:       The number of   mes by which the average mass of one atom of an element is
                                             heavier than 1/12th of the mass of a carbon atom
                 Isotopes:                   Atoms of the same element having same atomic number but diff erent  mass

                 Electronic confi gura  on:   The arrangement of electrons in diff erent orbits or shells around the nucleus of
                                             an atom
                 Valence shell:              The outermost shell of an atom

                 Valence electrons:          The electrons present in the valence shell of an atom
                 Valency:                    The number of electrons that an atom needs to accept, donate or share so as to
                                             form a complete outer octet

                 Electroposi  ve valency:    The valency of a posi  vely charged ion
                 Electronega  ve valency:    The valency of a nega  vely charged ion

                 Monovalent elements:        Elements with valency one
                 Divalent elements:          Elements with valency two

                 Trivalent elements:         Elements with valency three
                 Radicals:                   Two or more non-metals that collec  vely accept or donate one or more electrons
                                             and become nega  vely or posi  vely charged

                      Quick Review

                    •  Around the turn of the 20th century, it was discovered that an atom was actually a cluster of various
                       subatomic par  cles (mainly electrons, protons and neutrons) which can exist separately from each
                    •  John Dalton proposed that an atom is a solid, indestruc  ble and indivisible sphere.

                    •  In 1879, the English scien  st, William Crookes showed that the rays were emi  ed from the cathode
                       when a high voltage electric current was passed through the discharge tube.
                    •  In 1897, the English scien  st Sir J.J. Thomson proved that an atom can be split into even smaller parts.
                       His discovery of the electron was the fi rst step towards a detailed model of the atom.
                    •  J.J. Thomson found that the cathode rays consisted of nega  vely charged par  cles. These par  cles
                       were named as electrons.
                    •  E. Goldstein performed an experiment in the discharge tube with a perforated cathode and found that
                       the anode rays consisted of posi  vely charged par  cles called protons.

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