Page 94 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 94

4.  Which of the following elements does not exhibit variable valency?
                           (a)  Copper            (b) Iron              (c) Phosphorus        (d) Lead

                 SHORT AND PRECISE

                 A.  Show the given text in the form of fl owcharts.

                       1. Classifi ca  on of elements on the basis of valency
                       2.  Types of valency
                       3.  Types of chemical bonds

                 B.  Give reasons for the following statements.
                       1.  The atoms of one element are diff erent from the atoms of all other elements.
                       2.  Cathode rays consist of nega  vely charged par  cles.
                       3.  Anode rays consist of posi  vely charged par  cles.

                       4.  An atom is electrically neutral.
                       5.  The valence shell cannot have more than eight electrons except in case of the fi rst shell which
                           cannot have more than two electrons.

                 C.  Answer in short.
                       1.  State the condi  ons when gases become good conductors of electricity.
                       2.  Describe Thomson’s model of an atom.

                       3. Defi ne the following terms: atomic number and mass number. Explain with the help of examples.
                       4. Defi ne rela  ve atomic mass.
                       5.  What are isotopes? Give examples.

                       6.  What is electronic confi gura  on? What is required to write down the electronic confi gura  on of an
                       7.  Discuss Bohr-Bury scheme of electronic confi gura  on.
                       8.  Why do atoms of elements combine or react?
                       9.  What do you understand by valence shell, valence electrons and valency?

                      10.  What is variable valency? Give examples.
                      11.  What are radicals? Give examples.
                      12.  What do you understand by electrovalent compound and covalent compound?

                 AT LENGTH

                 A. Diff eren  ate between the following.
                       1. Characteris  cs of electrons and protons

                       2. Characteris  cs of cathode rays and anode rays
                       3. Posi  ve valency and nega  ve valency
                       4.  Electrovalent bond and chemical bond

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