Page 98 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 98

5              Language of Chemistry

                   Learning Outcomes                                                                 Key Concepts
                     Students will be able to
                                                                                               •  Elements and Their
                   •  recall the symbols of diff erent elements.
                   •  derive the formulae of compounds on the basis of valencies of elements
                                                                                               •  Compounds and Their
                      and radicals.
                   •  write chemical equa  on of a reac  on.
                                                                                               •  Chemical Equations
                   •  balance chemical equa  ons by applying the law of conserva  on of mass.
                                                                                                  (From Word Equations)
                                                                                               •  Balancing a Chemical
                                                                                               •  Information Gathered
                                                                                                  from a Chemical
                                                                                               •  Limitations of a Chemical

                                                            Warm Up Activity
                   Based on your previous knowledge, answer the following ques  ons.
                   •  Write the symbols of the following elements.

                                      Element            Symbol            Element            Symbol
                                  Hydrogen                             Nitrogen
                                  Oxygen                               Sulphur
                                  Magnesium                            Chlorine

                                  Sodium                               Iodine
                                  Carbon                               Calcium
                   •  Using the Internet, fi nd out one use of each of the elements men  oned below.
                    Hydrogen:      ___________________________________________________________________________
                    Nitrogen:      ___________________________________________________________________________
                    Oxygen:        ___________________________________________________________________________
                    Sulphur:       ___________________________________________________________________________
                    Magnesium:  ___________________________________________________________________________
                    Chlorine:      ___________________________________________________________________________
                    Sodium:        ___________________________________________________________________________
                    Iodine:        ___________________________________________________________________________
                    Carbon:        ___________________________________________________________________________
                    Calcium:       ___________________________________________________________________________

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