Page 97 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 97

Review Your Learning

                 A.  Answer in one word/a few words.
                       1. The scien  st who proposed the plum pudding model                     ______________________
                       2. The scien  st who conducted the famous gold foil experiment           ______________________
                       3. Posi  vely charged central part of the atom                            ______________________
                       4.  The number of protons present inside the nucleus of an atom          ______________________
                       5.  Atoms of the same element having same atomic number but
                           diff erent mass number                                                 ______________________
                       6.  The arrangement of electrons in diff erent shells around the nucleus   ______________________

                 B.  State whether the given statements are true (T) or false (F).
                       1.  Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed.
                       2.  John Dalton proposed that an atom is solid, indestruc  ble and indivisible sphere.
                       3.  The cathode rays consist of the posi  vely charged par  cles called protons.
                       4.  Neutron was discovered in 1932 by James Chadwick.
                       5. Pro  um, deuterium and tri  um are isotopes of nitrogen.
                       6.  When an atom donates electrons to acquire a stable electronic confi gura  on, it becomes a posi  vely
                           charged ion.

                 C.  Explain the following models of an atom.
                       1.  Thomson’s model of an atom                  2.  Rutherford’s model of an atom

                 D.  Write the characteris  cs of the following.
                       1. Cathode rays             2. Electrons                  3. Anode rays
                       4.  Protons                 5.  Neutrons                  6.  Isotopes
                 E.  Answer the following ques  ons.
                       1.  Write a note on discovery of electron and proton.
                       2.  How was the nucleus discovered?
                       3.  Discuss the modern concept of an atom.
                       4.  How is atomic number diff erent from mass number? Write the atomic numbers and mass numbers
                           of helium, boron, nitrogen, neon, silicon, chlorine and argon.
                       5.  What is rela  ve atomic mass?
                       6.  Write the electronic confi gura  on of beryllium, oxygen, neon, magnesium, silicon, sulphur, chlorine,
                           potassium and calcium.
                       7.  What is valency? Diff eren  ate between monovalent, divalent and trivalent elements.
                       8.  How are electroposi  ve and electronega  ve ions formed?
                       9.  Discuss how is a chemical bond formed. Diff eren  ate between electrovalent bond and covalent
                           bond. Also state why an electrovalent bond also called ionic bond.

                   Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Atomic Structure’. Find the related informa  on and images
                   using the Internet. Add audio and visual eff ects to your presenta  on. Format it as per your choice.

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