Page 99 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 99


                 An element is the simplest form of a pure substance which is made up of only one kind of atom. It is
                 represented by a chemical symbol. For example, oxygen is represented using the chemical symbol O.

                 A chemical symbol is the representa  on of an atom of an element. For example, one atom of oxygen is
                 represented by a single O. The names of diff erent elements are wri  en in English, German, La  n or Greek.

                 Each element has been allocated a unique symbol by the  Interna  onal Union of Pure and Applied
                 Chemistry (IUPAC). The symbols used to represent elements are usually the short forms or abbreviated
                 names of these elements.

                 There are certain rules for representa  on of elements.
                     •  Symbols of most of the elements are denoted
                                                                             Know Your Scientist
                        by the  fi rst  le  er of their English names.
                        They are represented by a capital le  er. For       Jöns Jacob Berzelius (1779–1848) was the fi rst
                        example, the symbol of nitrogen is N and that       to use le  ers as symbols for element, which
                                                                            we use   ll today.
                        of carbon is C.

                     •  In some cases, more than one element has
                        a name star  ng with the same le  er, for example, carbon and chlorine. In such a case, carbon
                        is represented by the le  er C and chlorine is represented by any two le  ers of its name, i.e., Cl.
                        When a symbol is represented using two le  ers of the elements name, we write the fi rst le  er in
                        the upper case followed by the second le  er in lower case.
                     •  Some elements are assigned symbols on either their scien  fi c or La  n, Greek or German name.
                        For example, the symbol of sodium, which is Na, is derived from its La  n name natrium.

                 Names and symbols of some elements are given in the tables below.
                                Table 5.1: Symbols Derived from the First Le  er of the Names of Elements

                                                        Element                    Symbol

                                            Boron                                     B

                                            Carbon                                    C

                                            Fluorine                                  F

                                            Hydrogen                                  H
                                            Iodine                                    I

                                            Nitrogen                                  N

                                            Oxygen                                    O

                                            Phosphorus                                P

                                            Sulphur                                   S

                                            Uranium                                   U

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