Page 104 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 104

Example 2: A molecule of carbon dioxide is formed by combining the atoms of elements carbon and
                                     Carbon: C                  Oxygen: O

                                         C                          O
                                         4                          –2

                                       C O 4
                 Simplify the formula by dividing the valencies by common factor 2.
                                                      CO 2

                 Therefore, the chemical formula of carbon dioxide is CO .
                 Example 3: Sodium chloride is formed by combining the atoms of elements sodium and chlorine.

                                    Sodium: Na                 Chlorine: Cl
                                        Na                          Cl

                                         1                          –1

                 NaCl is the chemical formula.

                 Example 4: Calcium hydroxide is formed by combining calcium and hydroxide (a radical).

                                    Calcium: Ca              Hydroxide: OH
                                         Ca                        OH

                                         2                          –1

                 Ca(OH) is the chemical formula.
                 Example 5: Sodium carbonate is formed by combining sodium and carbonate (a radical).

                                    Sodium: Na               Carbonate: CO  3
                                        Na                         CO 3

                                         1                          –2

                 Na CO is the chemical formula.
                 Significance of a Chemical Formula

                 The chemical formula of a compound indicates the following informa  on.

                     •  The name of the compound.
                     •  The names of the cons  tuent elements.

                     •  The number of atoms of various elements or ions present in one molecule of the compound.

                 Table 5.8 shows us the chemical or molecular formulae of some common compounds.

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