Page 106 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 106

A chemical equa  on consists of reactants present on the le  -hand side (LHS) and products present on the
                 right-hand side (RHS). A plus sign ‘+’ is used between the reactants. In case of products, a plus sign is used
                 if more than one product is formed. An arrow is placed between the reactants and the products, which
                 points towards the products.
                 A word equa  on represents the chemical reac  on using only the names of the reactants involved and
                 products formed.

                 For example, sodium reacts with chlorine to form sodium chloride. This reac  on can be represented in a
                 word equa  on as shown below.

                                               Sodium + Chlorine  Sodium chloride

                 This equa  on can be wri  en again using symbols and formulae to represent a chemical equa  on.
                                                          Na + Cl  NaCl

                 Steps to Write a Chemical Equation

                     •  The reactants are always wri  en on the le  -hand side in a chemical equa  on with a plus sign (+)
                         between them.

                     •  The products are always wri  en on the right-hand side in a chemical equa  on with a plus sign (+)
                         between them.
                     •  An arrow (        ) is placed between the reactants and the products to indicate the direc  on in
                         which the reac  on is taking place.
                     •  In certain cases, chemical reac  ons have reversible arrow (       ) between the reactants and the

                         products. A reversible arrow shows that the reac  on can proceed in either direc  on.
                     •   In a chemical equa  on, the physical state of reactants and products are indicated as follows.

                         (i)  Solid state is indicated by the symbol (s).
                         (ii)  Liquid state is indicated by the symbol (l).                    Endothermic Reac  ons
                        (iii) Aqueous solu  on, i.e., the solu  on made in water is       The reac  ons in which heat is
                                                                                          absorbed are called endothermic
                             indicated by the symbol (aq).
                                                                                          reac  ons.
                        (iv)  Gaseous state is indicated by the symbol (g).
                                                                                                Exothermic Reac  ons
                     •   Any gas evolved during a reac  on is represented by an arrow
                                                                                          The reac  ons in which heat is
                         poin  ng upwards () proceeding the chemical formula            evolved are called exothermic
                         and any precipitate formed is shown by an arrow poin  ng         reac  ons.
                         downwards () proceeding its chemical formula.
                     •   An exothermic reac  on is indicated by wri  ng ‘+ Heat’ in       A substance that changes the rate
                         the product side, i.e., the right-hand side of the chemical      of a chemical reac  on  without
                         equa  on. An endothermic reac  on is indicated by wri  ng        undergoing any chemical change
                         ‘+ Heat’ in the reactant side, i.e., the le  -hand side of the   in itself is called a catalyst.
                         chemical equa  on.
                     •   Some  mes, the pressure, the temperature and the catalyst used in the reac  on are also indicated
                         in the chemical equa  on by wri  ng them above or below the arrow sign.

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