Page 110 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 110

In reactants           In products
                             Number of Fe atoms:                     4                      4

                             Number of O atoms:                      6                      6
                             The chemical equa  on, 4Fe + 3O   2Fe O , now contains an equal number of atoms in
                             reactants and products. Therefore, we can say that it is a balanced equa  on.
                 Example 4: Magnesium and oxygen react to form magnesium oxide.

                                            Magnesium + Oxygen  Magnesium oxide

                                                          Mg + O   MgO
                                                                In reactants           In products
                             Number of Mg atoms:                     1                      1

                             Number of O atoms:                      2                      1
                             The number of magnesium atoms is equal on both the sides. However, there are two oxygen
                             atoms on the le   side and one oxygen atom on the right side. In order to have an equal
                             number of magnesium and oxygen atoms on both the sides, we mul  ply Mg by 2 on the le  -
                             hand side and we mul  ply MgO by 2 on the right-hand side.

                             By doing so, the equa  on changes in the given form.

                                                        2Mg + O   2MgO
                                                                In reactants           In products

                             Number of Mg atoms:                     2                      2
                             Number of O atoms:                      2                      2

                             The chemical equa  on, 2Mg + O   2MgO, now contains an equal number of various
                             atoms in reactants and products. Therefore, we can say that it is a balanced equa  on.

                 Example 5: Hydrogen and chlorine react to form hydrogen chloride.
                                             Hydrogen + Chlorine  Hydrogen chloride

                                                           H  + Cl   HCl
                                                                In reactants           In products
                             Number of H atoms:                      2                      1

                             Number of Cl atoms:                     2                      1

                             The number of hydrogen atoms and chlorine atoms are not equal. There are two hydrogen
                             atoms on the le  -hand side and one hydrogen atom on the right-hand side. Also, there are two
                             chlorine atoms on the le  -hand side and one chlorine atom on the right-hand side. In order to
                             have an equal number of hydrogen and chlorine atoms on both the sides, we mul  ply HCl by
                             2 on the right-hand side. By doing so, the equa  on changes in the given form.
                                                          H  + Cl   2HCl

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