Page 113 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 113

•  It tells us about the mass of the reactant(s).
                        The mass of calcium carbonate is 100 u.
                     •  It tells us about the mass of the products.

                        The mass of calcium oxide is 56 u and the mass of carbon dioxide is 44 u.


                 A chemical equa  on provides us with a lot of informa  on about a chemical reac  on that takes place.
                 However, a chemical equa  on has some limita  ons too. This informa  on can be added to an equa  on to
                 remove these limita  ons.

                 Physical States of Reactants and Products

                 A chemical equa  on does not tell us about the physical state of the substance. A chemical equa  on
                 should indicate the physical states of the reactants and products: ‘s’ for solid, ‘l’ for liquid, ‘g’ for gas and
                 ‘aq’ for aqueous.

                 Pure State or Solution

                 Some reac  ons occur only when they are present in a solu  on form. For instance, sodium iodide solu  on
                 is added to silver nitrate solu  on and a reac  on takes place. However, this reac  on will not take place if
                 silver nitrate is in solid state and sodium nitrate is in a solu  on form. Therefore, an equa  on must indicate
                 the informa  on about pure state and solu  on forms of reactants and products.

                 Heat and Temperature

                 There are some reac  ons that occur at high temperatures and others that occur at low temperatures. A
                 chemical equa  on should indicate if heat is necessary or not.


                 Some chemical reac  ons take place in the presence of light. Photosynthesis is a chemical reac  on that occurs
                 in green plants in the presence of sunlight. The chemical equa  on should indicate the necessity of light, if


                 Some chemical reac  ons need electricity to take place. Decomposi  on of water into hydrogen and oxygen
                 is one such example. The chemical equa  on should indicate that electricity is necessary or not.


                 Some chemical reac  ons in which one or more reactants are in the gaseous state occur when the pressure
                 is applied. The chemical equa  on should indicate pressure as a necessity or not.


                 A substance that alters the rate of a chemical reac  on without itself undergoing any change is known
                 as a catalyst. Diff erent reac  ons use diff erent catalysts because one catalyst cannot be same for all the
                 reac  ons.

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