Page 112 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 112

Example 2:  Balance the following equa  on.
                                                          Mg + O   MgO
                 Solu  on:    The above equa  on is not balanced as the number of various atoms on both the sides is not

                              The balanced equa  on for the equa  on can be wri  en as shown below.
                                                         2Mg + O   2MgO
                              The atomic masses of all the elements are shown below.
                                                            Mg = 24 u, O = 16 u

                              By using these atomic masses, we can fi nd the atomic masses of the compounds involved in
                              the reac  on.
                                                   2Mg = 2 × 24 u = 48 u
                                                     O  = 2 × 16 u = 32 u
                                                 2MgO = 2 (24 + 16) = 2 × 40 u = 80 u
                              Total mass of the reactants on LHS = 48 + 32 = 80 u
                              Total mass of the products on RHS = 80 u

                              Therefore, the total mass of the reactants is equal to the total mass of the products which
                              conforms to the law of conserva  on of mass.
                              Therefore, the balanced equa  ons 2Mg + O  2MgO

                 A chemical equa  on provides us with only limited informa  on about the chemical reac  on it represents.

                 Let’s take an example of the following equa  on to know about the informa  on it provides.
                                       CaCO                       CaO         +          CO 2
                                   Calcium carbonate              Calcium oxide        Carbon dioxide

                 The above equa  on tells us about the following things.
                     •  It tells us about the name of the reactant(s).

                        Reactant: CaCO  3
                     •  It tells us about the name of the product(s).
                        Products: CaO and CO   2

                     •  It tells us about the number of molecules of each reactant par  cipa  ng in the reac  on.
                        1 molecule of calcium carbonate
                     •  It tells us about the number of molecules of each product par  cipa  ng in the reac  on.

                        1 molecule of calcium oxide and 1 molecule of carbon dioxide
                     •  It tells us about the propor  on of reactants.
                        Here, we have only one reactant.

                     •  It tells us about the propor  on of products.
                        Calcium oxide and carbon dioxide are in the ra  o 1:1.

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