Page 114 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 114

A catalyst can be of two types: posi  ve catalyst and nega  ve catalyst. A catalyst which helps to increase
                 the rate of a reac  on is called a posi  ve catalyst. A catalyst which helps to decrease the rate of a reac  on
                 is called a nega  ve catalyst. The chemical equa  on in such cases should indicate the use of a catalyst.

                 Some chemical reac  ons proceed in both the direc  ons and are called reversible reac  ons. The chemical
                 equa  on for such reac  ons should indicate the double arrow (             ) between the reactants and
                 Endothermic or Exothermic

                 A reac  on in which energy is absorbed is called an endothermic reac  on. A reac  on in which energy is
                 evolved or given out is called an exothermic reac  on. The absorp  on of energy in a chemical reac  on
                 can be indicated by adding heat on the reactant(s) side and the evolu  on of energy can be indicated by
                 adding heat on the product(s) side.

                      Take a Break!

                     Write true (T) or false (F).

                      1.  The law of conserva  on of mass states that ma  er is neither created nor destroyed.
                      2.  A chemical equa  on does not inform us about the name of the reactants.
                      3.  Some chemical reac  ons occur only when they are present in a solu  on form.

                      4.  All the chemical reac  ons occur at high temperatures.
                      5.  Photosynthesis is a chemical reac  on that occurs in green plants in the presence of light.
                      6.  A reac  on in which energy is absorbed is called an exothermic reac  on.

                                                             Terms to Know

                 Element:                         The simplest form of a pure substance which is made up of only one kind of
                 Compound:                        A pure substance which is formed when two or more elements chemically
                                                  combine in a defi nite propor  on by mass
                 Valency:                         The combining capacity of an atom of an element
                 Valence shell:                   The outermost shell of an atom
                 Valence electrons:               The electrons present in the valence shell

                 Ion:                             A charged par  cle which is formed when an atom or a group of atoms gains
                                                  or loses electrons
                 Ca  on:                          An ion formed when an atom or a group of atoms loses electron(s) by
                                                  developing a posi  ve charge
                 Anion:                           An ion formed when an atom or a group of atoms accepts electron(s) by
                                                  developing a nega  ve charge
                 Radical:                         A group of diff erent atoms present as a single unit having a posi  ve or
                                                  nega  ve charge on it

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