Page 119 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 119


                   Integrate with Mathema  cs

                   Balance the following equa  ons by applying the law of conserva  on of mass to the atomic masses of
                   reactants and products.

                                          CH 4   +   O      CO  +   H O
                                          H 2    +   Cl     HCl
                   Integrate with Physics
                   You must have learnt that the change of state of ma  er occurs on the applica  on of heat. Does mel  ng
                   and moulding of an iron object to some other object having a diff erent shape obey the law of conserva  on
                   of mass?

                                                      PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES

                    Crea  ng a Presenta  on

                    Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Chemical Equa  ons and Their Limita  ons’. Insert related
                    informa  on, images and videos using the Internet. Format the presenta  on as per your choice.
                    Making Valency Cards

                    In a group of four to fi ve students, make valency cards that show the name of the elements, their
                    symbols and their valency. Shuffl  e the cards and each member has to pick up one card from the shuffl  ed
                    cards. All the group members will ask ques  ons related to the element that the card shows from the
                    group member who picks up the card. Mark your score and see who wins the game.

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