Page 123 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 123

                   •  Take some zinc granules in a conical fl ask.
                   •  Add dilute sulphuric acid over zinc granules.                                         conical fl ask

                 Observa  on: You will observe that bubbles of hydrogen gas will be
                 formed around the zinc granules.                                       dilute
                                                                                        sulphuric              hydrogen gas
                 Conclusion: Hydrogen gas is evolved when zinc granules are added       acid                   bubbles
                 to dilute sulphuric acid.                                                                     zinc granules

                     2. Change of colour: Some reac  ons are characterised by change in colour. The reactants are of a
                        diff erent colour and the products formed are diff erent in colour.

                          •  When solid lead nitrate is heated, reddish-brown nitrogen gas is evolved with oxygen. Also, a
                             yellow-coloured lead monoxide is formed.

                                     2[Pb(NO ) ](s)               2PbO(s)     +     4NO (g)       +   O (g) 
                                             3 2
                                      Lead nitrate                Lead oxide     Nitrogen dioxide       Oxygen
                                                               (yellow residue)      (reddish-brown)
                          •  When an iron nail is dropped in blue-coloured copper sulphate solu  on, the blue colour of
                             the solu  on fades and eventually turns into light green.
                                         Fe(s) +      CuSO (aq)                FeSO (aq)    +    Cu(s)
                                          Iron     Copper sulphate            Iron sulphate      Copper
                                                        (blue)               (green solu  on)

                          •  When green-coloured copper(II) carbonate is heated strongly, it decomposes to form black-
                             coloured copper(II) oxide and carbon dioxide gas is evolved.
                                      CuCO (s)                      CuO(s)      +     CO (g) 
                                 Copper(II) carbonate           Copper(II) oxide     Carbon dioxide

                           Activity 6.2

                 Aim: To observe colour change during a chemical reac  on

                 Materials required: A beaker, copper sulphate, an iron nail, some water

                   •  Take some water in a beaker. Add some copper sulphate in it. You will get a blue coloured solu  on.
                   •  Drop an iron nail into it. Leave it for a few hours.
                 Observa  on: The blue colour changes to green colour.

                 Conclusion:  This shows that a new substance has formed. This confi rms that chemical reac  ons  are
                 accompanied by change in colour.

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