Page 127 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 127

Catalyst and Enzyme


                 A  catalyst  is a substance that alters the rate of a chemical reac  on without itself undergoing any
                 permanent chemical change during the reac  on.

                     •  When a pinch of manganese (IV) oxide is added
                                                                                         Thirst for Knowledge
                        to hydrogen peroxide in a test tube, there is an
                        immediate eff ervescence. A glowing splinter placed          Catalysts reduce the amount of
                        near the mouth of the test tube will relight showing        energy needed to ac  vate chemical
                        that oxygen is being evolved. Here manganese (IV)           reac  ons.
                        oxide acts as a catalyst.
                     •  When potassium chlorate is heated strongly, oxygen is liberated. However, if some manganese
                        oxide is mixed with potassium chlorate, oxygen is liberated at a faster rate and without hea  ng.
                        Here, manganese oxide acts as a catalyst.
                                  2KClO (s)         300°C 2          2KCl(s)       +    3O (g)
                              Potassium chlorate                Potassium chloride      Oxygen
                     •  Photosynthesis in green plants takes place in the presence of chlorophyll that acts as a catalyst.

                 There are two types of catalysts: posi  ve catalyst and nega  ve catalyst.
                     •  Posi  ve catalyst: A catalyst that increases the rate of a chemical reac  on is called a posi  ve catalyst.
                     •  Nega  ve catalyst: A catalyst that decreases the rate of a chemical reac  on is called a nega  ve
                 Biocatalyst or Enzyme

                 When a substance acts as a catalyst in a biochemical
                                                                             Know Your Scientist
                 reac  on, then it is called a biocatalyst or an enzyme.
                 Various life processes taking place inside living beings    Richard Mar  n  Willstä  er (1872–1942) was
                 are the result of biochemical reac  ons.  Amylase,          a German organic chemist. He won a Nobel
                                                                             Prize in 1915 for his research on plant pigment,
                 trypsin, lipase, carbohydrases and pepsin are the
                                                                             especially chlorophyll.
                 most common enzymes present in our body. They are
                 involved in the diges  on of starch, fats and proteins.

                     •  Pepsin is present in the stomach and helps in the breakdown of proteins into amino acids. The
                        enzymes involved at diff erent stages of protein diges  on are collec  vely known as proteases.
                     •  Trypsin and lipase are present in the small intes  ne and help to breakdown starch, fats and proteins
                        into glucose, fa  y acids and amino acids, respec  vely.

                     • Enzyme carbohydrase is specifi c to the diges  on of carbohydrates.
                     • Enzyme  maltase, present in the living cells of yeast, helps in the conversion of maltose
                        (a carbohydrate) into glucose.

                     • Enzyme zymase, present in the living cells of yeast, helps in the fermenta  on of glucose in alcohol.

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