Page 117 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 117

F.   Choose the correct op  on.
                       1.  The symbol Na of sodium is derived from its La  n name _____________.
                           (a) nallium            (b) naƟ um            (c) natrium           (d)  none of these
                       2.  Which of the following elements is represented by the symbol Ag?

                           (a)  Gold              (b) Silver            (c) Potassium         (d) Copper
                       3.  Which of the following elements is tetravalent?
                           (a)  Silicon           (b) Lithium           (c) Boron             (d) Oxygen
                       4.  Which of the following elements exhibits variable valency?

                           (a)  Sodium            (b)  Hydrogen         (c)  Aluminium        (d)  Iodine
                       5.  Which of the following radicals has a valency –2?
                           (a)  Ammonium          (b) Sulphate          (c) Nitrate           (d) Acetate
                       6.  Which of the following is/are limita  on(s) of a chemical reac  on?

                           (a)  Heat and temperature                    (b)  Pressure
                           (c)  Catalyst                                (d)  All of these

                 SHORT AND PRECISE

                 A.  Show the given text in the form of fl owcharts.
                       1. Classifi ca  on of elements on the basis of valency
                       2.  Types of ions

                       3.  Types of chemical equa  ons

                 B.  Balance the following equa  ons.
                       1. H  + O   H O                              2.  Fe + O   Fe O   3
                       3.  Mg + O   MgO                             4.  H  + Cl   HCl
                       5. CH  + O   CO  + 2H O
                 C.  Answer in short.
                       1.  What is a compound? How is it represented?
                       2.  What are valence electrons?
                       3.  How is an anion formed?
                       4.  How is a chemical equa  on represented? What does it consist of?
                       5.  What does the atomic theory state?
                       6.  What does the law of conserva  on of mass state?

                 AT LENGTH

                 A. Diff eren  ate between the following.
                       1.  Element and compound
                       2. Ca  on, anion and radical
                       3. Unbalanced equa  on and balanced equa  on

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