Page 116 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 116

5.  A _____________ equa  on has an equal number of atoms of one or more elements in the reactants
                           and products.
                       6. Decomposi  on of water into hydrogen and oxygen occurs in the presence of _____________.

                 B. Iden  fy the error in the given statements. Circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in
                      the blank.
                       1.  Symbols of most of the elements are denoted by the second le  er of
                           the name of the element.                                                  __________________
                       2.  The innermost shell of an element is called the valence shell.            __________________

                       3.  A compound is a charged par  cle which is formed when an atom or
                           a group of atoms gains or loses electrons.                                __________________

                       4.  A molecule of a compound is represented using a symbol.                   __________________
                       5. A ca  on is a substance that alters the rate of a chemical reac  on without
                           itself undergoing any change.                                             __________________
                       6.  Some chemical reac  ons proceed in both the direc  ons and are called
                           double reac  ons.                                                         __________________

                 C.  Write the symbols of the following elements.

                            Element            Symbol             Element             Symbol
                       Carbon                                Nitrogen
                       Phosphorus                            Sulphur

                       Aluminium                             Calcium
                       Germanium                             Magnesium

                       Pla  num                              Zinc

                 D.  Write the symbols of the following ions.

                            Ion                Symbol             Ion                Symbol
                       Calcium ion                           Cupric ion
                       Magnesium ion                         Sodium ion

                       Zinc ion                              Bromide
                       Fluoride                              Sulphide

                 E.  Match the columns.

                          Radical                                               Chemical formula
                       1. Ammonium                                          (a) (NO ) –
                       2. Hydrogen carbonate                                (b) (SO ) 2–
                       3. Nitrite                                            (c) (HSO ) –
                       4. Sulphate                                          (d) (Cr O ) 2–
                       5. Bisulphite                                        (e) (NH ) +
                       6. Dichromate                                         (f) (HCO ) –

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