Page 107 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 107

Based on the above-men  oned steps, let’s write down the chemical equa  ons for some chemical
                 reac  ons.
                     •  Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.
                                          H 2   +    O                H O
                                       Hydrogen    Oxygen             Water
                     •  Methane burns in air to form carbon dioxide and water.
                                         CH  +      O                  CO 2   +     H O
                                       Methane    Oxygen          Carbon dioxide   Water
                 Note that in the fi rst reac  on, the number of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen on the le  -hand side and the
                 right-hand side are not equal.
                 In the second reac  on also, the number of atoms of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon on the le  -hand side
                 and right-hand side are not equal.

                 The chemical equa  on that has an unequal number of atoms of one or more reactants and products is
                 called a skeletal or unbalanced equa  on.

                 The equa  ons given above violate the law of conserva  on of mass. According to the law of conserva  on of
                 mass, ma  er can neither be created nor destroyed in a chemical reac  on. This means that the total mass
                 of all the reactants must be equal to the total mass of all the products. In other words, we can say that the
                 number of atoms of the reactants must be equal to the number of the same type of atoms of the products.

                 Need for Balancing a Chemical Equation

                 To make the number of diff erent types of atoms equal in reactants and products we balance an equa  on.
                 The chemical equa  on that has an equal number of atoms of one or more elements in the reactants and
                 products is called a balanced equa  on. Such an equa  on confi rms to the atomic theory and the law of
                 conserva  on of mass.


                 Let’s learn to balance chemical equa  ons by applying the atomic theory and the law of conserva  on of

                 Applying Atomic Theory

                 The  atomic theory states that atoms of the reac  ng  molecules
                 involved in a chemical reac  on do not change. These molecules only       Thinking Fountain
                 share or transfer electrons to form new compounds. Therefore, we          Why is there a need to balance a
                 can say that the number of atoms of each element must be equal on         chemical equa  on? Balance the
                 both the sides of the chemical equa  on. Using this fact, we balance a    following chemical equa  ons.
                 chemical equa  on.                                                        • CaCl  + Na PO
                                                                                             Ca (PO )  + NaCl
                                                                                                    4 2
                 Skeletal or unbalanced equa  ons are balanced by hit and trial method.
                 Let’s consider the following example to understand balancing of           • HClO  + P O
                                                                                             H PO  + Cl O
                 chemical equa  ons.                                                           3  4    2  7
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