Page 93 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 93

C.  Write the atomic number and mass number of the following elements.
                                            Element              Atomic number            Mass number

                                     Lithium                 __________________      __________________

                                     Carbon                  __________________      __________________

                                     Fluorine                __________________      __________________

                                     Magnesium               __________________      __________________
                                     Sulphur                 __________________      __________________

                                     Potassium               __________________      __________________

                 D.  Write the number of protons, electrons and neutrons of the following elements.

                              Element            Number of protons      Number of electrons     Number of neutrons

                       Beryllium               __________________      __________________      __________________

                       Oxygen                  __________________      __________________      __________________

                       Sodium                  __________________      __________________      __________________
                       Aluminium               __________________      __________________      __________________

                       Phosphorus              __________________      __________________      __________________

                       Calcium                 __________________      __________________      __________________

                 E.  Match the columns.

                          Column A                                              Column B
                       1.  Anode rays                                       (a)  Discovery of neutron
                       2.  J. J. Thomson                                    (b)  Monovalent element

                       3. Magnesium                                          (c) Trivalent element
                       4.  James Chadwick                                   (d)  Consist of protons

                       5. Chlorine                                          (e) Divalent element
                       6. Phosphorus                                         (f) Plum pudding model

                 F.   Choose the correct op  on.
                       1.  An atom consists of ______________.

                           (a)  electrons         (b) protons           (c) neutrons          (d) all of these
                       2. Cathode rays
                           (a)  travel in straight line.                (b)  are produced from the anode in a discharge tube.
                           (c)  consist of posi  vely-charged par  cles.   (d)  all of these.
                       3.  _______________ suggested that electrons possess a specifi c amount of energy and are arranged
                           in a succession of energy levels.

                           (a)  J.J. Thomson      (b)  James Chadwick   (c)  Niels Bohr       (d)  E. Rutherford

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