Page 89 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 89

Sulphite                       (SO ) 2–                   2

                                    Carbonate                      (CO ) 2–                   2
                                    Dichromate                    (Cr O ) 2–                  2
                                    Phosphate                      (PO ) 3–                   3

                   CHEMICAL BOND

                   Atoms tend to gain, lose or share electrons in order to achieve stability. The bond formed between
                   two atoms when they combine is called a chemical bond. A chemical bond is the force of a  rac  on
                   which holds two or more atoms together in a molecules. Atoms can combine either by transferring or
                   by sharing electrons.
                   Electrovalent Bond

                   The chemical bond formed by the complete transfer of electrons from one atom to the other is
                   called an electrovalent or ionic bond and the compounds so formed are called electrovalent or ionic
                   compounds. An electrovalent bond is formed by the transfer of electrons from a metal to a non-metal.
                   Ca  ons are the par  cles having posi  ve charge and anions are the par  cles having nega  ve charge.
                   The opposite charges get a  racted to each other due to the presence of strong electrosta  c force of
                   a  rac  on. The forma  on of the bond takes place between an anion and a ca  on, and hence is also
                   called ionic bond.

                   Sodium chloride: During the forma  on of sodium chloride, the sodium atom (2,8,1) loses an electron
                   and becomes sodium ion (Na ) which is a ca  on and the chloride atom (2,8,7) accepts the electron
                   given by sodium and becomes chloride ion (Cl ) which is an anion. Since sodium ion and chloride ion
                   are oppositely charged, they a  ract each other and form sodium chloride.

                                 11p         +          17p                       11p                   17p
                                 12n                    18n                       12n                   18n

                         Na (2,8,1)         Na (2,8)    +     e –           Cl (2,8,7)    +    e –          Cl  (2,8,8)
                       Sodium atom         Sodium ca  on   electron       Chlorine atom    electron        Chloride anion
                                                        Na  + Cl    –         NaCl

                   Covalent Bond

                   The chemical bond formed by the sharing of electrons is called a covalent bond and the compounds
                   so formed are called covalent compounds.

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