Page 94 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 94
D. Match the columns.
Column A Column B
1. Solute (a) Caused by amoeba or bacteria
2. Potable water (b) Infl amma on of gastrointes nal tract
3. Dysentery (c) Increase the rate of sedimenta on
4. Gastroenteri s (d) Used in ba eries of inverters and cars
5. Loading (e) Substance that gets dissolved in a liquid
6. Dis lled water (f) Colourless, odourless and transparent
A. Show the given text in the form of fl owcharts.
1. Sources of water
2. Importance of water
3. Diseases caused by contaminated water
4. Purifi ca on of water
5. Conserva on of water
6. Water pollu on – causes and preven on
B. Give reasons for the following statements.
1. Water is an important part of our diet.
2. Water present in oceans and seas is saline.
3. The aqua c animals and plants are able to survive in colder regions of the world.
4. Glass bo les when fi lled completely with water break when kept in the freezer.
5. Steam causes more severe burns than boiling water.
6. We should drink 3-4 litres water daily.
7. Water is known as the universal solvent.
8. Purifi ca on of water is important before consuming it.
9. Potash alum is added to water in the loading tank and is allowed to stand for some me.
10. Oil spill from oil tankers causes death of aqua c animals.
C. Answer in short.
1. Why is water essen al for plants?
2. Why is the water present in oceans and seas unfi t for drinking, washing, irriga on and industrial
3. Why do we use water as a coolant in car radiators?