Page 90 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 90

• The use of RO purifi er should be minimised. The unused water from the RO purifi er should be
                        collected and used for household ac  vi  es.
                     • Sprinklers should not be used in the garden as they cause wastage of water. Schools and housing
                        socie  es should be encouraged for rainwater harves  ng.

                                                                Nature Care
                   Observe the consump  on of water in your house. Now make a list of instances where you think water is being
                   wasted. Think of ways to conserve water in such instances.

                 WATER POLLUTION

                 The contamina  on of water with unwanted substances that cause harmful eff ects in living and non-living
                 things is called water pollu  on. Unwanted substances alter the proper  es of water and make it unfi t for
                 drinking, bathing and agricultural use.
                 Causes of Water Pollution

                 Following are some main causes of water pollu  on.
                     • Discharge of domes  c sewage and dumping of a garbage
                        into water bodies pollutes them.
                     • Discharge of agricultural waste, which include fer  lisers,
                        insec  cides and pes  cides containing poisonous pollutants
                        such as cyanide and mercury pollute water.

                     • Discharge of industrial waste like plas  c, paints, drugs, paper,
                        tex  le dyes, rubber and leather from various industries into
                        the nearby water bodies pollute water.                                Fig. 4.12:  Water pollution
                     • Defeca  on by human beings and animals in or near water bodies also pollutes water.
                     • Oil spill from oil tankers and leakage of oil during drilling and shipping opera  ons pollute water. A
                        layer of oil is formed on the surface of the water which cuts off  the supply of oxygen for organisms
                        living in the water body thereby causing their death.
                     • Waste from nuclear plants discharged directly into water bodies kill aqua  c plants and animals,
                        and disturb the balance of nature.
                 Prevention of Water Pollution

                 Following measures should be taken to prevent water pollu  on.
                     • Water treatment plants should be installed in all industrial areas.
                     • Sewage, agricultural and industrial wastes should be treated properly before being released into
                        water bodies.

                     • Proper toilet facili  es should be provided to people.
                     • Use of environment-friendly household products such as washing powder, toiletries and household
                        cleaning agents should be encouraged.
                     • Limited use of fer  lisers and pes  cides, and use of eco-friendly fer  lisers and biodegradable
                        pes  cides should be promoted.
                     • Sources of underground water like well should be kept clean and covered.

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