Page 95 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 95

4.  Name two substances that are soluble and two substances that are insoluble in water.
                       5.  Why is the forma  on of a solu  on a physical change?

                       6.  What is typhoid?
                       7.  What causes dysentery? What are its symptoms?

                       8.  Why should we not use water present in rivers, lakes, etc. for consump  on directly?

                 AT LENGTH

                 A.  Explain the following terms.

                       1. Groundwater           2.   Water table                 3. Solute           4. Solu  on
                       5. Saturate solu  on     6.   Unsaturated solu  on        7. Loading          8. Potable water

                 B. Diff eren  ate between the following.

                       1.  Spring water and well water
                       2. Saturated solu  on and unsaturated solu  on

                       3. Filtra  on and dis  lla  on
                       4. Sedimenta  on and decanta  on

                       5. Water purifi er and RO system

                 C.  Answer in detail.

                       1.  What are the major sources of water? Discuss each.
                       2.  Write a note on the states of water.
                       3.  Explain water cycle in detail.

                       4.  Explain anomalous expansion of water.
                       5.  In what all ways is water important for humans and plants?

                       6. Men  on some other uses of water.
                       7.  Explain the condi  ons on which the forma  on of a solu  on depends.
                       8.  How will you prepare a saturated solu  on of salt and water?

                       9.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that salt can be separated from the salt solu  on.
                      10.  What is dis  lla  on? Write the uses of dis  lled water.
                      11.  Write the characteris  cs of potable water.

                      12.  Write about the following diseases: diarrhoea, gastroenteri  s and cholera.
                      13.  What is purifi ca  on of water? Explain some commonly used methods of water purifi ca  on.
                      14.  How can we conserve water?

                      15.  What is water pollu  on? What are the major causes of water pollu  on? Discuss a few ways of
                           preven  ng water pollu  on.
                      16.  Write a note on fl oods and droughts.

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