Page 98 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 98

6. The con  nuous circula  on of water from the earth to the atmosphere and back again
                          8.  The water which comes out with pressure in the form of spring from any opening in the earth
                          9.  The process of adding chlorine to water

                          1. A solu  on which cannot dissolve any more of the solute at a par  cular temperature
                          3.  Water that is fi t for consump  on
                          4.  The purest form of water
                          7.  A state of frequent, loose or liquid stools
                    Conduc  ng a Survey
                    Form groups of  fi ve students each and conduct a survey of various water resources used in your
                    neighbourhood. Prepare a report based on the survey.
                    Performing an Ac  vity

                    Form groups of three students each and perform this ac  vity in the presence of your teacher.
                    •  Ask your teacher to provide you with salts of sodium chloride, sodium carbonate and sodium
                    •  Dissolve these salts in water in three diff erent beakers.
                    •  Check whether the salts dissolve in water or not.
                    •  Record your observa  ons and discuss it in the class.
                    Preparing a Solu  on

                    Form groups of three students each and perform this ac  vity in the presence of your teacher.
                    •  Take a beaker half fi lled with water.
                    •  Add some copper sulphate to water.
                    •  Form a solu  on.
                    •  Name the solute and the solvent.
                    Conduc  ng a Class Discussion
                    Conduct a class discussion on the topic ‘Importance of Water for the Sustenance of Life’.

                    Making a Project
                    Conduct a water audit in your home. Prepare a table in your notebook and record the approximate
                    amount of water used in your home for diff erent purposes like drinking, bathing, washing, cleaning,
                    etc. Iden  fy and note the ac  vi  es where there is excessive consump  on of water. Discuss the ways to
                    reduce the consump  on of water at home. Also list these ways in your notebook.
                    Crea  ng a Presenta  on on ‘Saving Water’
                    Create an audio-visual presenta  on on the topic ‘Save Water’ to create awareness among children
                    and other people of the society towards conserva  on of water. Tell them how they can do rainwater
                    harves  ng and how they can prevent pollu  on of water.
                    Crea  ng a Presenta  on on ‘Say No to Water Pollu  on’
                    Create an audio-visual presenta  on on the topic ‘Say No to Water Pollu  on’ to create awareness among
                    children, youth and elders about the ac  vi  es that cause water pollu  on and the steps that should be
                    taken to prevent water pollu  on.

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