Page 103 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 103

blanket. This cuts off  the supply of oxygen and hence, stops the                 Combus  on
                 fi re from spreading further.
                                                                                     A chemical reac  on in which heat and
                 Let’s perform Ac  vity 5.2 to observe that oxygen supports          light are produced when something
                 combus  on.                                                         reacts with oxygen present in the air.

                           Activity 5.2

                 Aim: To observe that oxygen supports combus  on
                 Materials required: 3 candles, a 250 mL beaker, a 500 mL beaker, a matchbox

                   •  Go to a room and close all doors and windows. Also switch off  fans.

                   •  Take three candles, light them and  fi x them on a table at some
                       distance from each other.
                   •  Take a 250 mL and a 500 mL beaker.
                   •  Cover the fi rst candle with the 250 mL beaker and the second candle
                       with the 500 mL beaker.

                   •  Leave the third candle uncovered.
                   •  Observe the three candles for some   me.
                 Observa  on: You will observe that the fi rst candle covered with the 250 mL beaker stops burning fi rst.
                 Then the second candle covered with the 500 mL beaker ex  nguishes. The third candle that was uncovered
                 con  nues to burn.

                 Conclusion: This happens because the beakers trapped some air (oxygen). The candles used up all the air
                 present inside the beaker for burning. When whole of the air was used up, the candles stopped burning.
                 The fi rst candle ex  nguished fi rst because the 250 mL beaker trapped lesser air as compared to the
                 500 mL beaker. The third candle that was uncovered con  nued to burn as it had regular supply of air.


                 Nitrogen cons  tutes about 78 per cent of the air. It does not
                                                                                           Thirst for Knowledge
                 support combus  on. Nitrogen is needed by plants to grow.
                 Leguminous plants like pea, beans, len  ls, soy and groundnuts         Leguminous plants can work as
                 have the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen into soluble          fer  lisers and increase the nitrogen
                 nitrogenous compounds that can be absorbed by plant roots. This        content of the soil.
                 process is called nitrogen fi xa  on. Fer  lisers containing nitrogen
                 are added to non-leguminous plants to fulfi l the requirement of nitrogen. Human beings and animals also
                 need nitrogen to grow. They get their supply of nitrogen by consuming plants and plant products.

                 Nitrogen is supplied back to the soil when plants and animals die and decay. This balances the amount of
                 nitrogen in the air that can be used again and again.

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