Page 99 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 99

Review Your Learning

                 A.  Answer in one word.
                       1.  A source of water that replenishes other sources of water                  _________________
                       2.  The level of water under the ground                                        _________________
                       3. Con  nuous circula  on of water from the earth to the atmosphere and
                           back again                                                                 _________________
                       4.  Electricity generated using water stored in dams                           _________________

                       5.  A uniform mixture of the solute and the solvent                            _________________

                 B.  State whether the given statements are true (T) or false (F).
                       1.  Rainwater gets polluted while falling down.
                       2.  Groundwater contains suspended impuri  es.
                       3. Diges  on of food in the stomach takes place with the help of water.
                       4.  Typhoid is a waterborne disease caused by virus.

                       5.  Trees should be planted as they help in causing rainfall.
                       6.  Flood causes soil erosion.

                 C.  Match the columns.
                           Column A                                   Column B
                       1. Surface water                          (a) Bacterium
                       2. Groundwater                            (b) Purifi ca  on of water
                       3.  Jaundice                              (c)  Handpumps, tube wells or bore wells
                       4. Cholera                                (d) Hepa    s A virus

                       5. Chlorina  on                           (e)  Oceans and seas

                 D.  Explain the following terms.
                       1. Well water      2. Aera  on          3.  Dis  lla  on     4. Flood          5. Drought
                 E.  Answer the following questions.

                       1.  Write a note on the occurrence of water.
                       2.  List the ways in which water is important for humans.
                       3.  Explain the factors on which the forma  on of a solu  on depends.

                       4.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that the solubility of a solute increases on increasing the temperature.
                       5.  What can happen on consuming polluted water?
                       6.  Why is it important to conserve water? What steps should be taken to conserve water?

                   Create a presenta  on on the topic ‘Eff ects of Water Pollu  on on Environment’. Find the related informa  on
                   and images using the Internet. Add audio and visual eff ects to your presenta  on. Format it as per your

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