Page 101 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 101

is a mixture of gases. He also showed that the main cons  tuents of
                 air nitrogen and oxygen make up only one-fourth of the total air by
                 Air is made up of nearly 78 per cent nitrogen, 21 per cent oxygen,                                  others
                 0.03–0.04 per cent carbon dioxide and the remaining are the other            nitrogen
                 gases which are present in trace amount. Air also contains suspended          78%
                 dust par  cles and smoke. The composi  on of water vapour, dust
                 par  cles and smoke varies from place to place.
                                                                                          Fig. 5.1:  Composition of air
                                                Table 5.1: Cons  tuents of Air and their Uses

                      Constituents of air    Percentage by volume                    Properties and uses

                  Nitrogen                            78%           It is a gas inert in nature which doesn’t support burning. It is
                                                                    an important component of proteins in living things.
                  Oxygen                              21%           It is a chemically reactive gas, which supports burning. It is
                                                                    essential for respiration.

                  Carbon dioxide                  0.03–0.04%        It is a chemically reactive gas, which doesn’t support
                                                                    burning. It is essential for photosynthesis in plants.

                  Noble gases such as neon,          0.93%          These gases are non-reactive. They are useful in our lives.
                  helium, oxygen and krypton

                  Water vapour                      Variable        It is responsible for weather changes such as rain.
                  Suspended dust particles          Variable        These lead to problems like respiratory issues, skin diseases
                  and smoke                                         and cancer.

                 Properties of Air

                     • Air occupies space.

                     • Air has mass.
                     • Air can be compressed.

                     • Air exerts equal pressure in all direc  ons.
                     • Air is a mixture of gases.

                           Activity 5.1

                 Aim: To show that air is present everywhere
                 Materials required: Tub fi lled with water, a glass tumbler

                   •  Take an empty glass tumbler and turn it upside down in a big tub fi lled with water.

                 Observa  on: You will observe that the water level is lower as compared to the water outside.
                 This happens because the air is trapped within the glass tumbler which does not allow the water level in
                 the tumbler to rise.

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