Page 106 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 106

Dust and Smoke
                                                                                             Thirst for Knowledge
                 Air around us also contains suspended dust par  cles and smoke.
                 When something is burnt, smoke is produced. Smoke consists of             Smoke from long chimneys is
                 a few gases and fi ne dust par  cles. These are harmful for living         harmful for birds that fl y high in
                                                                                           the sky.
                 Have you observed long chimneys in factories? Through long
                 chimneys, the harmful smoke and other waste gases from the
                 factories are released high in the atmosphere away from human

                 Dust par  cles are always present in the atmosphere. Their level
                 varies from   me to   me and place to place. Dust par  cles play an
                 important role in the forma  on of clouds. Water droplets condense
                 on dust par  cles and when these par  cles come together, they
                 form clouds.

                 When you breathe in air, the fi ne hair and mucus present inside
                 your nose prevent dust par  cles from entering the respiratory               Fig. 5.2: Traffi c policeman
                                                                                                   wearing a mask

                 Have you seen traffi  c policemen regula  ng traffi  c at the traffi  c signal wearing a mask? They do so to
                 prevent the entry of dust par  cles in the respiratory tract.

                                                              Respiratory Tract
                   Respiratory tract is the passage formed by the mouth, nose, throat and lungs through which air passes during

                           Activity 5.6

                 Aim: To show that air contains dust par  cles

                 Materials required: A torch

                   •  Close all the doors and windows of a room.

                   •  Make the room dark by drawing the curtains.
                   •  Pass a narrow beam of light through a torch into the room.
                                                                                                     dust particles
                 Observa  on: You will see randomly moving dust par  cles in the beam of

                 Conclusion: This shows that air contains dust par  cles.

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