Page 110 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 110

in nature. One such process which runs on a large scale in nature
                 to maintain a balance between the levels of oxygen and carbon
                 dioxide is photosynthesis.                                                   sun
                                                                                                                O  released
                 Photosynthesis is a process by which plants make their food using                               2
                 carbon dioxide, sunlight and water. Photosynthesis is carried
                                                                                                        CO 2
                 out only by green plants because they contain a green-coloured
                 pigment called  chlorophyll. The following equa  on explains the           leaves contain
                 process clearly.
                                                                                         CO 2                  sugar is formed
                 Sunlight  +  Water  +  Carbon dioxide    Chlorophyll    Food  +  Oxygen                          (food)

                 Photosynthesis occurs only during the day  me as sunlight is essen  al
                 for the process. The oxygen produced during photosynthesis is                root absorbs
                 many   mes the quan  ty used by plants during respira  on.
                 Therefore, respira  on and photosynthesis are two opposing                   Fig. 5.3: Photosynthesis
                 processes. In respira  on, oxygen is needed to break down the food,
                 and carbon dioxide and water are produced. In
                 photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water are                                             photosynthesis
                 needed to make food and oxygen is produced as
                 a by-product.

                 This way, the composi  on of gases is fairly
                 maintained in the atmosphere. However,
                 thoughtless human ac  vi  es such as large scale
                 deforesta  on and excessive burning of fossil                       plant
                 fuels are disturbing this balance considerably. If
                 this happens to con  nue then we will have to                                    CO 2
                                                                                                respiration      animal
                 face dras  c results in the future. So, we should
                 plant more trees and reduce pollu  on in every           Fig. 5.4: Balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in nature
                 possible manner.

                           Activity 5.9

                 Aim: To show that green plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis

                 Materials required: A trough, some water, few cu   ngs of Hydrilla, a funnel, a test tube, a glowing splinter

                   •  Fill a trough (about three-fourths) with water.
                   •  Place a few cu   ngs of Hydrilla (a water plant) in it and cover them
                       with a funnel as shown in the fi gure.
                   •  Fill a test tube with water and cover its mouth with your thumb.

                   •  Place it over the stem of the funnel.
                   •  Keep the set-up in sunlight for a few hours.

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