Page 107 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 107

Take a Break!

                     Write/Choose the correct answer.
                      1.  Air is a __________ of gases.

                      2.  The chemist who proved that air is a mixture of gases was __________.
                      3.  Nitrogen is needed by plants for their growth. (True/False)

                      4.  All animals and plants need oxygen for excre  on. (True/False)
                      5.  Oxygen cons  tutes about __________ of the air.
                      6.  The level of __________ in the atmosphere also play a role in determining the global temperature.

                      7.  Water vapour are formed due to mel  ng and boiling of water. (True/False)
                      8.  Dust par  cles are only some  mes present in the atmosphere. (True/False)

                 IMPORTANCE OF AIR

                 Air is important for all living organisms. It is essen  al for our survival as it contains oxygen. Oxygen is
                 considered to be the most important component of air as it helps in two important processes: respira  on
                 and combus  on.


                 All living organisms require oxygen for respira  on. The oxygen which we inhale during breathing is
                 transported to the cells of the body. These cells then u  lize the oxygen to breakdown food in order
                 to release energy that can be used to perform various life processes. This en  re process is known as
                 respira  on and can be defi ned as the process in which oxygen is used to release energy by breaking down
                 food. During respira  on, carbon dioxide and water are also given out as by-products. We exhale carbon
                 dioxide. We can summarize respira  on by the following equa  on.

                                         Food  +  Oxygen    Energy  +  Water  +  Carbon dioxide

                 Plants also respire in a similar way to release energy and give out carbon dioxide and water as by-products.
                 All living organisms respire throughout day and night.

                           Activity 5.7

                 Aim: To show that soil contains trapped air which is used by the organisms living in soil and by the roots
                 of plants to respire
                 Materials required: A beaker, some soil, some water

                 Procedure: Take some water in a beaker and add a handful of soil into the beaker.
                 Observa  on: You will observe that small bubbles of air are formed.

                 Conclusion: This shows that air is present in the spaces between soil par  cles. This air
                 present in the soil is used by the organisms such as earthworms to respire. The roots of plants also respire
                 using the air trapped in the soil.

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