Page 112 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 112

• Ac  vi  es like mining which release dust and chemicals in the atmosphere are responsible for air
                        pollu  on.
                     • Use of radioac  ve substances and explosives like atomic bombs, TNT, etc. during wars also causes
                        air pollu  on.
                     • Volcanoes and forest fi res are examples of natural pollu  on source.

                 Effects of Air Pollution

                     • Health problems: Air pollu  on is known to cause irrita  on in the eyes, nose and throat, and upper
                        respiratory infec  ons such as bronchi  s and pneumonia. Other problems include headache,
                        nausea and allergic reac  ons. Long-term health eff ects can include chronic respiratory disease,
                        lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys.
                     • Global warming: The atmosphere plays a very important role in regula  ng the temperature on
                        the surface of the earth. Some of the gases present in the atmosphere trap heat energy from the
                        sun and thus help in reducing the temperature extremes between day and night. The gases that
                        trap heat energy of the sun are methane, carbon dioxide and water vapour. These gases are called
                        greenhouse gases. The trapping of the heat energy of the sun by greenhouse gases present in the
                        earth’s atmosphere is called greenhouse eff ect. Without the natural greenhouse eff ect, the sun’s
                        heat would escape into the space. This would make the earth a much colder place and then life
                        would not be possible on this planet. But due to human ac  vi  es, the concentra  on of these gases
                        is increasing in the atmosphere. As a result, more heat is trapped which increases the average
                        temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. The sustained increase in the average temperature of the
                        earth’s atmosphere is known as global warming.
                     • Acid rain: Burning of fossil fuels results in the release of harmful gases like nitrogen oxides and
                        sulphur oxides. These gases combine with water droplets in the atmosphere, making them acidic
                        which fall on the ground in the form of acid rain. Acid rain results in reduc  on in fer  lity of soil,
                        destruc  on of forests, aqua  c plants and animals, damage to stone and marble buildings and
                        metals, etc.
                     • Eff ect on vegeta  on: Air pollu  on can damage crops and/or aff ect their growth.

                     • Smog forma  on: When smoke, dust par  cles, etc., mix with fog, it is known as smog and this
                        results in reduced visibility. This is responsible for road and rail accidents.
                     • Deple  on of ozone layer: Ozone layer present in the earth’s stratosphere is responsible for
                        protec  ng us from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Air pollutants like chlorofl uorocarbons a  ack the
                        ozone layer and are reducing its thickness. As this con  nues, ultra-violet-rays reach the earth and
                        cause skin-related and eye-related problems.

                 Measures for Reducing Air Pollution
                     • Plan  ng more trees is the best solu  on to air pollu  on. Plants maintain a balance between oxygen
                        and carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere and cause rainfall.

                     • Factories and industries should be situated far away from residen  al areas. The smoke released by
                        them should be treated before releasing to the atmosphere.
                     • Public mode of transporta  on should be used whenever possible. Car pooling is also a good way
                        of reducing vehicular exhaust.

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