Page 116 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 116

                 A.  Show the given text in the form of fl owcharts.

                       1.  Components of air and their uses
                       2.  Fuels and their uses
                       3.  Causes and eff ects of air pollu  on

                 B.  Give reasons for the following statements.
                       1. The composi  on of air is not constant everywhere.
                       2.  Air is a mixture and not a compound.
                       3.  Carbon dioxide is essen  al for photosynthesis.
                       4. Traffi  c policemen regula  ng traffi  c at the traffi  c signal wear a mask.
                       5.  Burning of coal results in air pollu  on.

                       6.  Photosynthesis occurs only during the day   me.
                       7. Respira  on and photosynthesis are two opposing processes.
                       8. Plan  ng more and more trees is the best solu  on to air pollu  on.

                 C.  Answer in short.
                       1.  What is atmosphere?
                       2.  What is the composi  on of air?
                       3.  What is nitrogen fi xa  on?
                       4.  Carbon dioxide is crucial for sustaining life. Comment

                       5.  What is the role of dust par  cles in the forma  on of clouds?
                       6.  What is respira  on?
                       7.  What are air pollutants? Name some of the main air pollutants.
                       8.  Why do you understand by deple  on of ozone layer?

                 AT LENGTH

                 A. Diff eren  ate between the following.
                       1. Respira  on and combus  on                   2.  Photosynthesis and respira  on
                       3.  Air pollutants and greenhouse gases         4.  Greenhouse eff ect and global warming
                 B.  Read the given experiment to show that the soil contains trapped air. Iden  fy the incorrect parts
                      of the process.
                      To show that soil contains trapped air which is used by the organisms living in soil and by the roots of
                      plants to respire
                        •  Take some lime water in a beaker.
                        •  Add a handful of salt and sand in the beaker.
                        •  Small bubbles of carbon dioxide are formed.
                        •  This shows that air is present in the soil par  cles.
                        •  The organisms living in the soil and the roots of plants use the air trapped in the soil.

                 C.  Answer in detail.
                       1.  What are the uses of nitrogen?

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