Page 115 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 115

4.  ___________ are the substances that are burnt to release energy.
                       5.  ___________________ is a process by which plants make their own food.
                       6.  ______________ and ____________________ are examples of natural pollu  on source.

                 B. Iden  fy the error in the given statements. Circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in
                      the blank.
                       1.  Air is made up of nearly 21% nitrogen.                                        _______________

                       2.  Nitrogen supports combus  on.                                                 _______________
                       3.  Oxygen is used in fi re ex  nguishers.                                         _______________
                       4.  Dry wood releases carbon dioxide and hydrogen on burning.                     _______________
                       5.  Photosynthesis is carried out by green plants because they contain a
                           green-coloured pigment called chloroplast.                                    _______________
                       6.  Ozone layer present in the earth’s biosphere protects us from harmful
                           ultraviolet (UV) rays.                                                        _______________

                 C.  Choose the correct op  on.
                       1.  Which of the following gases is not a component of air?

                           (a) Oxygen                (b) Sulphur             (c) Nitrogen            (d) Carbon dioxide
                       2.  Which of the following is used as a refrigerant?
                           (a) Nitrogen              (b) Sulphur             (c) Water vapour        (d) Carbon dioxide
                       3.  How are water vapour formed?
                           (a)  Due to boiling                               (b)  Due to evapora  on
                           (c)  Due to boiling and evapora  on               (d)  None of these

                       4.  What are the by-products of respira  on?
                           (a)  Carbon dioxide and water                     (b)  Oxygen and water
                           (c)  Nitrogen and carbon dioxide                  (d)  Oxygen and nitrogen
                       5.  Which of the following is a clean fuel?
                           (a) LPG                   (b) Coal                (c) Petrol              (d) CNG

                       6.  Which of the following is/are cause(s) of air pollu  on?
                           (a)  Burning of fossil fuels                      (b)  Emissions from vehicles
                           (c)  Release of chemicals by industries and factories
                           (d)  All of these

                 D.  Match the columns.
                          Column A                                       Column B

                       1. Air                                         (a) Cooking
                       2. Leguminous plants                           (b) Greenhouse gas
                       3.  Dry wood                                   (c)  Reduce air pollu  on
                       4. Coal                                        (d) Mixture of gases
                       5.  Methane                                    (e)  Fuel in power sta  ons

                       6. Organic farming                             (f) Nitrogen fi xa  on

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