Page 118 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 118


                   Tarun decided to opt for car pool instead of going by his own car to the offi  ce.

                   Why do you think he thought so?
                   How can this step taken by Tarun help in reducing air pollu  on?
                   List some ways in which you can contribute in reducing air pollu  on.

                   (Sensi  vity towards environment)

                   INTEGRATE YOUR LEARNING

                   Integrate with Biology
                   Create a presenta  on on the topic ‘Role of Photosynthesis in Maintaining the Air Composi  on in Nature’.
                   Insert related informa  on, images and videos using the Internet. Format the presenta  on as per your

                   Integrate with Geography
                   Prepare a project on the topic ‘Air – A Natural Resource’. Collect related informa  on and images using the

                                                      PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES

                    Making a Web Chart
                    Make a web chart of steps that you can take to reduce air pollu  on.

                    Organizing a Campaign
                    Organize a ‘Tree Planta  on Campaign’ in your school with the help of your teachers and classmates.
                    Ensure that all the students of your class plant trees on the selected day. Discuss the importance of
                    plan  ng trees.

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