Page 123 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 123


                       Chapter 1: ‘Development of Chemistry—
                          A historical perspec  ve’ on page 2

                   Read the topic men  oned above and make fi ve
                   ‘Fill in the blanks’ from the same.

                                                                         Chapter 2: ‘Characteris  cs of a Compound’ on
                                                                                        pages 20 and 21
                                                                       Read the topic men  oned above and make  fi ve
                                                                        ‘Mul  ple Choice Ques  ons’ from the same.

                     Chapter 3: ‘States of Ma  er’ on pages 43–46
                    Read the topic men  oned above and make
                    fi ve ‘Answer in One Word’ from the same.

                                                                              Chapter 4: ‘Importance of Water’ on
                                                                                          pages 66–68

                                                                       Read the topic men  oned above and make  fi ve
                                                                       ‘Answer Orally’ ques  ons from the same.

                      Chapter 5: ‘Uses of Components of Air’ on
                                     pages 88–92

                  Read the topic men  oned above and make fi ve
                  ‘Mul  ple Choice Ques  ons’ from the same.

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