Page 128 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 128

6.  Compounds are made up of only one kind of molecules.
                       7. The La  n name of potassium is kolim and its symbol is K.
                       8. The cons  tuents of a compound cannot be separated by physical means like boiling and fi ltra  on.
                       9.  Magnesium is used as a disinfectant.
                      10. Magne  c separa  on is used when one of the components of a mixture is a magne  c substance.
                      11. Ma  er off ers resistance.
                      12.  An atom exists independently.
                      13.  The intermolecular force and the intermolecular space are responsible for determining the state of
                           ma  er.
                      14.  Liquids have more density as compared to solids.
                      15.  Brownian movement is caused by the collision of molecules.

                      16.  Saline water is unfi t for drinking, washing, irriga  on and industrial purposes.
                      17.  The three states of water can be interchanged into each other by changing the temperature.
                      18.  Boiling water contains more heat energy in the form of latent heat that steam.
                      19.  The largest amount of water is used in agriculture.
                      20. A fi lter bed consists of diff erent layers of sand, gravel and charcoal.
                      21. The composi  on of air is constant everywhere.
                      22.  Oxygen supports combus  on.

                      23.  Solid carbon dioxide known as dry ice is used as a refrigerant.
                      24.  The burning of fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal release oxygen into the atmosphere.
                      25. Plan  ng more trees is the best solu  on to air pollu  on.

                 C.  Answer in short.
                       1.  How are the two main branches of science further divided?
                       2.  What is food processing?
                       3.  What is the use of paracetamol?
                       4.  How has advancement in healthcare helped?

                       5.  What is the use of chemicals in industries?
                       6.  Give some examples of metalloids. State their proper  es.
                       7.  Write the symbols of the following elements: argon, beryllium, calcium, mercury, gold, iodine and
                       8.  What is a molecular formula? What is the molecular formulae of magnesium oxide and ammonia?
                       9.  How is a sediment diff erent from a supernatant?
                      10.  Why is evapora  on used?
                      11.  Why do solids have a defi nite shape, mass and volume?
                      12.  Why can liquids diff use?
                      13.  Why is it so that gases have maximum capacity to fl ow?
                      14.  What is diff usion?
                      15.  What is vaporiza  on?

                      16.  Where is surface water present? Where will you fi nd groundwater?
                      17.  How are clouds formed?

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