Page 131 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 131

5.  Write the elements present in the following compounds and give one use of each compound.

                                 Compound                    Elements present                      Use


                       Common salt

                       Carbon dioxide

                       Sodium hydroxide



                   6.  Represent the following diagramma  cally.
                       (a) Nitrogen molecule

                      (b) Water molecule
                       (c) Ozone molecule

                      (d)  Carbon dioxide molecule

                       Now answer the following ques  ons.
                       (a)  Write the formulae of the given molecules.
                      (b)  How are the atoms of diff erent elements combined in a molecule?

                       (c)  How are the atoms in a molecule held together?

                   7.  Ananya wants to know why it is that in a mixture, original atoms and molecules remain as they are. Help
                      her to reason this out with the help of an example.
                   8.  Write the methods of separa  on used to separate the following mixtures. State the principle on which
                      these methods of separa  on are based upon.

                                     Mixture                      Separa  on method                    Principle

                       Stones and pebbles in sand

                       Insoluble substances and water

                       Iron and sulphur

                       Sodium hydroxide

                       Salt from sea water

                       Pulp from fresh juice

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