Page 132 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 132

9.  Iden  fy the given image carefully and answer the following ques  ons.

                       (a)  Label the given image.
                      (b)  Name the process shown in the image.

                       (c)  How is the process carried out?
                      (d)  What is the principle on which the process is based upon.
                       (e)  Give a few examples where this process is used.

                  10.  Look at the arrangement of the molecules in the given images. Iden  fy the states of ma  er based on the
                      arrangement of molecules.

                       Based on your observa  ons, answer the following ques  ons.
                       (a)  Name the state of ma  er which is incompressible. State the reason for this property.
                      (b)  Name the state of ma  er which has the maximum capacity to fl ow. State the reason for this property.

                       (c)  Name the state of ma  er which has no fi xed shape but a defi nite volume. Can it be compressed?
                           Does it diff use?

                  11.  State the reasons for the following statements.
                       (a)  The molecules are not able to move freely in solids.
                      (b)  The intermolecular spaces are larger in liquids.

                       (c)  The gases can be compressed easily.

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