Page 130 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 130
1. Iden fy the scien sts shown in the given pictures and discuss the contribu ons of these scien sts.
2. Categorise the following chemicals under the categories given in the table.
Urea, aldrin, sodium nitrate, potassium, malathion, ammonium phosphate, parathion, sulphur, benzene
hexachloride, calcium polysulphide, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, ethylene oxide, sorbic acid,
carbaryl, sodium benzoate
Fer lisers Pes cides Insec cides Fungicides Preserva ves
3. Iden fy the medicines by studying their uses.
(a) Reduce fever and treat moderate pain from condi ons such as
common cold, muscle aches and headaches __________________
(b) Treat infec ons caused by bacteria __________________
(c) Relieve mild to moderate pain and to reduce fever also __________________
(d) Treat infec ons such as pneumonia, bronchi s and urinary tract
infec ons caused by bacteria __________________
4. Discuss how the following proper es diff er in case of metals and non-metals.
Proper es Metals Non-metals
Physical state
Malleability and duc lity
Electrical conduc vity
Tensile strength
Mel ng and boiling points