Page 129 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 129

18.  How are aqua  c animals and plants able to survive in colder regions of the world?
                      19.  What is latent heat of vaporiza  on?
                      20.  What is chlorina  on?
                      21.  Discuss the composi  on of air.
                      22.  How is the amount of nitrogen balanced in the air?
                      23.  What is the importance of carbon dioxide?
                      24.  What is the role of oxygen in respira  on?
                      25.  What is combus  on?

                 D.  Answer in detail.
                       1.  How does chemistry help us?
                       2.  Discuss the contribu  on of the alchemists.
                       3.  Write a note on some important scien  sts and their contribu  ons.
                       4.  Write a note on ‘food and chemistry’.
                       5.  Write a note on ‘clothing and chemistry’.
                       6. Diff eren  ate between metals and non-metals.
                       7.  Write the characteris  cs of compounds.

                       8.  Write the characteris  cs of atoms and molecules.
                       9. Diff eren  ate between compounds and mixtures.
                      10.  Why is water a compound and air a mixture?
                      11.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that ma  er occupies space.
                      12.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that solids have defi nite volume.
                      13.  Write the proper  es of liquids.
                      14.  Discuss the eff ect of heat on ma  er.

                      15.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that a liquid expands on hea  ng and contracts on cooling.
                      16.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that plants require fresh water to grow.
                      17.  ‘Water is a universal solvent.’ Explain.
                      18.  What is the need to conserve water? Write the steps to conserve water.
                      19.  What is water pollu  on? What are the causes of water pollu  on?
                      20.  (a)  Write the steps that can be taken to prevent water pollu  on.
                           (b) How are fl oods and droughts caused? What are their eff ects?
                      21.  Discuss the evidences to confi rm that air is a mixture.
                      22.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that oxygen supports combus  on.

                      23.  Give the similari  es and diff erences between respira  on and combus  on.
                      24.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that green plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis.
                      25.  Write the causes and eff ects of air pollu  on? What measures can be taken to reduce air pollu  on?

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