Page 126 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 126

15.  What is Brownian mo  on?
                      16.  What is the diff erence between groundwater and well water?
                      17.  State the importance of water cycle.
                      18.  List any two uses of water.
                      19.  What are the characteris  cs of potable water?
                      20.  How is a fi ltrate diff erent from a residue?
                      21.  What is nitrogen fi xa  on?
                      22.  What is respira  on?

                      23.  Why are coal and petroleum commonly known as fossil fuels?
                      24.  Why are respira  on and photosynthesis considered opposite processes?
                      25.  What is global warming?

                 D.  Answer in detail.
                       1.  Discuss the importance of chemistry.
                       2.  Discuss the physical aspect of alchemy.
                       3.  Discuss the contribu  ons of Antoine Lavoisier and J.J. Thomson.
                       4.  Write a note on clothing and chemistry.
                       5.  How has the knowledge of chemistry helped in discovering new medicines?
                       6.  Write the characteris  cs of elements.
                       7.  List the rules followed to assign the symbols to elements.
                       8. Diff eren  ate between elements and compounds.
                       9.  Discuss the uses of following elements and compounds: copper, silver, steel, coal, carbon dioxide,
                           sand, graphite and diamond.
                      10.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that proper  es of a mixture depend on the quan  ty of the
                           cons  tuents present.
                      11.  Discuss the proper  es of ma  er.
                      12.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that ma  er off ers resistance.
                      13.  Write the proper  es of liquids.
                      14.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that gases can be compressed easily whereas solids cannot be
                           compressed and liquids can be compressed a li  le.
                      15.  State the explana  on for the existence of three states of ma  er.
                      16.  What is anomalous expansion of water?
                      17. Defi ne the following terms: specifi c heat capacity, latent heat of fusion of ice and latent heat of
                           vaporiza  on.
                      18.  Discuss the importance of water.
                      19.  With the help of an example, show that smaller the par  cle size of the solute, faster the solu  on will
                           be formed.
                      20.  Write a note on the purifi ca  on of water.
                      21.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that air is present everywhere.
                      22.  Discuss the uses of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
                      23.  Discuss the importance of air.
                      24.  How is the composi  on of air maintained in the atmosphere?
                      25.  Discuss the causes and eff ects of air pollu  on.

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