Page 134 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 134

19.  Observe the given image carefully and answer the following ques  ons.

                       (a)  What does the image represent?
                      (b)  Why is it that the water level is lower as compared to the water outside when the tumbler is turned
                           upside down in a trough of water?
                       (c)  What happens on   l  ng the glass tumbler?

                  20.  Rehaan has been asked to discuss the evidences that air is a mixture. He states the following evidences.
                      However as per the teacher these are incorrect. Iden  fy the errors in the evidences stated by Rehaan.
                        • The composi  on of air is constant everywhere. It remains same at all places and at all   mes. The
                           composi  on of air at higher al  tudes and in plains is the same.

                        •  There is a release of heat when the cons  tuents of air are mixed together.
                        • The proper  es of air are totally diff erent from those of its cons  tuents.

                        •  Air is represented using a defi nite formula.
                        •  The components of air cannot be separated using simple physical methods.

                  21.  What is the role of dust par  cles present in the atmosphere?

                  22.  Food  +  Oxygen    Energy  +  Water  +  Carbon dioxide
                       Which process is shown by the given equa  on? Explain the process.

                  23.  Do plants respire? How can you show respira  on in plants?

                  24.  Sunlight  +  Water  +  Carbon dioxide    Chlorophyll    Food  +  Oxygen
                       Which process is shown by the given equa  on? Explain the process. What is the signifi cance of this

                  25.  ‘Air pollu  on can lead to various health problems.’ Jus  fy. How can you think this can be prevented?

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