Page 119 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 119

Review Your Learning

                 A.  Answer in one word.
                       1.  The layer of air that surrounds the earth                                      ______________

                       2.  The process by which plants make their own food                                ______________
                       3.  Gases and par  cles in the atmosphere that harm organisms and aff ect climate   ______________
                       4.  The trapping of heat energy of the sun by greenhouse gases present in the
                           earth’s atmosphere                                                             ______________

                       5.  The increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere              ______________

                 B.  State whether the given statements are true (T) or false (F).
                       1.  Nitrogen does not support combus  on.
                       2.  Burning of coal gives off  carbon dioxide and water vapour along with smoke and ash.

                       3.  CNG on burning gives out a large amount of carbon dioxide, thereby pollu  ng air.
                       4. Chlorofl uorocarbons destroy the ozone layer.

                       5.  Smog is the combina  on of rain drops with sulphur dioxide.

                 C.  Match the columns.
                           Column A                                   Column B
                       1. Oxygen                                 (a) Evapora  on and boiling of water

                       2.  Solid carbon dioxide                  (b)  Fossil fuels
                       3. Water vapour                           (c) Reduced fer  lity of soil
                       4.  Coal and petroleum                    (d)  Supporter of combus  on

                       5. Acid rain                              (e) Dry ice

                 D.  Explain the following terms.
                       1. Nitrogen fi xa  on       2.  Respira  on     3. Fuels        4. Global warming      5. Acid rain

                 E.  Answer the following questions.

                       1.  Give evidences to confi rm that air is a mixture.
                       2.  Write the uses of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
                       3.  Write a note on the importance of air.

                       4.  Write the similari  es and diff erences between respira  on and combus  on.
                       5.  Write the eff ects of air pollu  on. What steps should be taken to reduce air pollu  on?


                   Create a presenta  on on the topic ‘Air and Its Composi  on’. Find the related informa  on and images
                   using the Internet. Add audio and visual eff ects to your presenta  on. Format it as per your choice.

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