Page 117 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 117

2.  In what ways is oxygen important to us?
                       3.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that oxygen supports combus  on.
                       4.  How will you show respira  on in plants?
                       5.  What is the importance of water vapour in the atmosphere? Where do they come from?

                       6.  Write a note on dust and smoke.
                       7.  What is respira  on? Explain the process.
                       8.  Explain the importance of burning with emphasis on fuels like wood, coal, LPG and CNG.

                       9.  How is the composi  on of air maintained in nature?
                      10.  What do you mean by air pollu  on? What are the causes of air pollu  on?
                      11.  What are greenhouse gases? Write a note on global warming.

                      12.  List some measures for reducing air pollu  on.

                  OBSERVE AND PERFORM

                   Observe the given image carefully and answer the following ques  ons.

                                                                      1.  Name the process taking place.

                                                                      2.  Name the gas released.

                                                                      3.  What will you observe?

                                                                      4.  What is the composi  on of lime water?

                                                                      5.  Name the compound that turns lime water milky.

                                                                      6.  Name the gas essen  al for respira  on.

                   APPLY YOUR LEARNING

                   A.  Sashya was asked to describe air. She wrote the following statement.

                      ‘Air is a compound as it contains many gases.’
                      The teacher told her that it was an incorrect answer. Iden  fy the mistake in the statement and give
                      reasons for your answer.
                   B.  Why is it advised to wrap anything that catches fi re in a woollen blanket?
                   C.  Carbon dioxide is crucial for sustaining life. Jus  fy the statement.
                   D.  Ankit took two candles and covered one of the candles with a beaker. A  er some   me, he observed
                      that the covered candle stopped burning. Why do you think it happened?

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