Page 113 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 113

• Non-conven  onal energy sources like water, wind, sun, etc., should be used in place of conven  onal
                        fossil fuels like coal, petrol, etc.
                     • Organic farming should be prac  sed to reduce air pollu  on. Fer  lisers can be replaced with organic
                     • The concept of reduce, reuse and recycle should be prac  sed. Reduce waste whenever possible,
                        reuse the old stuff , for example, old jars can be used for storage purposes and always opt for
                        recycled products.

                                                                Nature Care
                   As we have studied that plants reduce the eff ects of pollu  on. They maintain the balance between oxygen
                   and carbon dioxide. So go to the nearby park and plant fi ve trees of diff erent varie  es. Also, take care of these


                 The blanket of air that surrounds the earth is called atmosphere. The atmosphere extends up to a height
                 of 1500 km above the earth, however, it hardly exists above 480 km. About 90 per cent of it lies within the
                 height of 16 km from the earth’s surface.

                 The atmosphere is thicker near the earth’s surface as it is held in place by the earth’s gravity.
                 The atmosphere plays an important role in determining weather condi  ons such as winds and storms. It
                 acts as a screen and blocks out the harmful ultraviolet radia  on from the sun.

                 The atmosphere also protects the earth against meteors. Most of the meteors burn up in the atmosphere
                 even before they can hit.

                      Take a Break!

                     Write/Choose the correct answer.

                      1.  Burning of fossil fuels helps in reducing air pollu  on. (True/False)
                      2.  __________ is an example of natural pollu  on source.
                      3.  Air pollu  on causes respiratory infec  ons. (True/False)

                      4.  __________ results in reduced fer  lity of soil.
                      5.  Plan  ng trees is the best solu  on to air pollu  on. (True/False)

                                                             Terms to Know

                 Atmosphere:           The layer of air that surrounds the earth

                 Respira  on:          The process in which oxygen is used to break down food and release carbon dioxide,
                                       water and energy
                 Photosynthesis:       The process by which plants make their own food using carbon dioxide, water and
                                       sunlight in the presence of chlorophyll

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