Page 96 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 96
Observe the given image carefully and answer the following ques ons.
Copper sulphate solution
1. Iden fy the solute and solvent.
2. Write three factors that increases the rate of solubility.
A. Adi is unable to understand why the con nuous circula on of water from the earth to the atmosphere
and back again important. Help her to understand the importance of water cycle.
B. Why is it that even when the water of lakes, rivers and ponds freezes on the top, the water below the
layer of ice in colder regions remains in the liquid state?
C. How does the par cle size of a solute aff ect the rate of forma on of a solu on?
D. Saakshi tried dissolving some sugar to a saturated solu on but could not do so. However, when she
heated the solu on, sugar got dissolved. State the reason.
E. Chetan wants to separate salt from a salt solu on. How can he do so?
A. In a group of fi ve students, prepare the model of water cycle. Discuss why it is important. Also discuss
what will be the impact on water cycle if there is lack of water.
(Coopera on and working together)
B. Using the Internet, fi nd the places where there is a scarcity of water. Discuss how people manage their
ac vi es in these areas. List various ways in which you can help them to conserve water. Discuss the
importance of using water judiciously.
(Concern for others, environmental awareness)
C. You are facing water crisis in your society. Everyone is fi nding it diffi cult to manage daily ac vi es in the
absence of suffi cient water. This is going to con nue for almost a week. Discuss the ways in which you
along with your neighbours can deal with the situa on. (Problem-solving)