Page 93 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 93

5.  Water regulates the body ____________ of plants and animals.
                       6.  Water acts as a ____________ in powerhouses which generate electricity.
                       7.  Solubility of a solute ____________ on increasing the temperature.
                       8. A solu  on is said to be _________________ when it can dissolve more of the solute at a par  cular
                       9.  ____________ is an infec  on in the small intes  ne caused by a bacterium.

                      10. The addi  on of unwanted and harmful substances to water is called _____________________.

                 B. Iden  fy the error in the given statements. Circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in
                      the blank.
                       1.  Surface water is the purest form of water.                                __________________
                       2.  Water exists as a free-fl owing liquid in a gaseous state.                 __________________

                       3.  Plants lose water con  nuously through leaves during evapora  on.         __________________
                       4. S  rring the solu  on decreases the solubility of the solute in the solvent.   __________________

                       5. The forma  on of a solu  on is a chemical change.                          __________________
                       6.  Saline water is fi t for consump  on.                                      __________________
                       7.  Typhoid is caused by Hepa    s A virus.                                   __________________

                       8. Aera  on is the process of sterilizing water using ozone.                  __________________
                       9.  Osmosis is a method of water purifi ca  on in which water is forced out
                           of the waste through a semipermeable membrane by applying pressure.       __________________
                      10.  Filtered water is used for preparing solu  ons for medicinal purposes.    __________________

                 C.  Choose the correct op  on.
                       1.  Water is essen  al for ______________.
                           (a) diges  on of food                             (b)  excre  on of waste
                           (c) germina  on of seed                           (d)  all of these

                       2.  Water is used _______________.
                           (a)  in agriculture                               (b)  as a coolant in powerhouses
                           (c) for recrea  on and sport ac  vi  es           (d)  all of these
                       3.  The pool of water that is obtained by digging the soil   ll the impervious layer is called ______________.
                           (a) spring water          (b) well water          (c) groundwater         (d) rainwater
                       4.  Which of the following substances are insoluble in water?
                           (a)  Sand and salt        (b)  Sugar and wood     (c)  Wood and sand      (d)  Sugar and salt
                       5.  Which of these techniques is the easiest and the most recommended purifi ca  on technique?
                           (a) Sedimenta  on and decanta  on                 (b)  Filtra  on
                           (c) Chlorina  on                                  (d)  Boiling

                       6.  Which of these is not a cause of water pollu  on?
                           (a)  Discharge of domes  c waste
                           (b) Addi  on of chlorine
                           (c)  Leakage of oil during drilling and shipping opera  ons
                           (d)  Discharge of wastes from nuclear plants

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