Page 89 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 89

Take a Break!

                     Answer in one word/a few words.
                      1.  The liquid that dissolves a solute                                        _______________
                      2.  Substances that do not dissolve in water                                  _______________
                      3.  A solu  on which cannot dissolve any more of the solute                   _______________

                      4.  Water which is fi t for consump  on                                        _______________
                      5.  A state of frequent, loose or liquid stools                               _______________
                      6.  The par  culate impuri  es le   behind on a fi lter paper during fi ltra  on   _______________


                 Water is vital for sustenance of life on the earth. It circulates through the land the way it circulates through
                 the human body. It is needed for func  ons such as transpor  ng, dissolving and replenishing nutrients and
                 organic ma  er, and carrying away the waste materials. In human body, it plays a major role in regula  ng
                 the ac  vi  es of fl uids, cells,   ssues, blood, lymph and granular secre  ons. Water is also required for
                 various other human, agricultural and industrial ac  vi  es.

                 Need to Conserve Water                                Know Your Scientist
                 Industrializa  on,  popula  on growth and             Rajindra Singh (born in 1959) is a
                 agricultural ac  vi  es have led to an increase       well-known water conserva  onist.
                 in the demand of water. Excessive use of              He is known as the ‘Waterman of
                 water has led to decline in the water level.          India’. His NGO helps villagers to take
                 Hence, conserva  on of water is important.            charge over water management.

                 Steps to Conserve Water

                 Water is a precious natural resource. We should follow the given measures to conserve water.
                     • Taps should not be le   running while brushing teeth, bathing or washing clothes.
                     • Farmers should use be  er methods of irriga  on like drip irriga  on (in which water is supplied to
                        plants drop by drop) to save water.
                     • Dams and reservoirs should be constructed to collect water and control fl oods.
                     • Water in industries should be recycled and reused to the maximum possible extent.
                     • Trees should be planted as they help in causing rainfall.
                     • Rainwater harves  ng should be prac  sed. It is done by
                        allowing rainwater falling on roofs of buildings to fl ow
                        into a deep trench in the ground.
                        We should emphasise on collec  ng the rainwater in
                        drums and buckets also. The water collected is just rich          water inlet  pump  washing   garden
                        in salt and not really dirty. So, it can be used for mopping      fi lter        machine toilet watering
                        the fl oor, watering plants and washing clothes.                 outfl ow
                     • Leaking taps and pipes should be repaired at the earliest.             rainwater
                     • Polluted water should be treated and recycled, and put
                        to use for purposes such as irriga  on.                     Fig. 4.11: Rainwater harvesting and its uses

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