Page 84 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 84

Observa  on: You will observe that the sugar se  les down at the bo  om of beaker A while it dissolves in
                 water in beaker B.
                 Conclusion: This shows that on s  rring the solu  on, solubility of the solute increases.

                           Activity 4.8

                 Aim: To observe the eff ect of size of solute par  cles on the forma  on of a solu  on

                 Materials required: 2 beakers, some water, a lump of common salt, some free-fl owing common salt, a
                   •  Take two beakers and label them as A and B.
                   •  Pour equal amount of water in each beaker.
                   •  Now put a lump of common salt in beaker A and a teaspoon of free-fl owing common salt in
                       beaker B. You can also use sugar cubes and powdered sugar.
                   •  Now s  r both the solu  ons one by one and no  ce the   me taken by each of the solutes to dissolve.

                 Observa  on: You will observe that the salt in beaker A takes a longer   me to dissolve as compared to the
                 salt in beaker B.
                 Conclusion: This proves that smaller the par  cle size of solute, faster the solu  on will be formed.

                           Activity 4.9

                 Aim: To observe the eff ect of increase in temperature on the forma  on of a solu  on

                 Materials required: Beaker, sugar, spoon, burner
                   •  Take beaker B from the previous ac  vity.
                   •  Now add some sugar to it and s  r the solu  on.
                   •  Con  nue adding the sugar   ll no more of it can be dissolved in the solu  on.
                   •  Now heat this beaker.
                   •  Again add a teaspoon of sugar to it.
                 Observa  on: You will observe that more sugar can be dissolved in the beaker on hea  ng the solu  on.

                 Conclusion: This shows that the solubility of a solute increases on increasing the temperature.

                 Saturated and Unsaturated Solutions

                 In Ac  vity 4.9, we have observed that if we con  nue  adding
                 sugar to the solu  on, a stage is soon reached when no more of            Thirst for Knowledge
                 it can be added. However, if we increase the temperature of the
                                                                                        The point at which the solu  on
                 solu  on, more solute can be added to it. Thus, on the basis of the
                                                                                        cannot further dissolve a solute is
                 ability of solu  ons to dissolve more solute we can divide them        known as satura  on point.
                 into three types—saturated solu  on, unsaturated solu  on and
                 supersaturated solu  on.

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