Page 81 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 81

• Blood, consis  ng of water and blood cells, absorbs digested food and also helps in transporta  on
                        of nutrients, oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.
                     • Water helps in excre  on of waste from the body in the form of sweat, urine or while breathing.
                     • Water regulates the body temperature in humans and animals. Since water has high heat capacity,
                        it can absorb large amount of heat energy. Also, it does not heat up or cool down as fast as land.

                 On hot days, we excrete water in the form of sweat. When it evaporates, it takes away heat from our
                 body. This lowers our body temperature and thus causes cooling. An average human loses approximately
                 2.5–3 litres water per day in the form of sweat, urine or while breathing. Therefore, we should drink 3–4
                 litres water daily to make up for this loss.

                              About 3–4 litres                                          About 0.5–1 litre through
                              through drinking                                          sweating

                              About 1 litre                                             About 1.5–2 litres through
                              through food                                              urination

                              About 0.25 litre                                          About 0.5 litre through
                              produced by                                               exhalation
                              human body

                                                     Fig. 4.6: Gain and loss of water in human beings

                 About 30% of a plant’s body weight is water. Water is important for plants in the following ways.

                     • A large amount of water is needed by plants during photosynthesis.
                     • Water helps in transporta  on of minerals among diff erent parts of plant body.

                     • Water is very important for germina  on of seeds.
                     • Plants also lose water con  nuously through leaves during transpira  on.

                 Water also serves as a habitat for aqua  c organisms. For example, fi sh, whales and dolphins are water
                 animals and Hydrilla, lotus and water chestnut are water plants.
                 Some other uses of water are as follows.

                     • Water is used for bathing, cleaning and washing.

                     • A large amount of water is used in agriculture.
                     • A large amount of water is required in industries such as chemical industries, paper mills, petroleum
                        refi neries, fer  lisers, steel and rayon industries.
                     • Water acts as a coolant in car radiators powerhouses which                     Coolant
                        generate electricity from fossil fuels and nuclear fuels.         A  fl uid which is used to cool a
                                                                                          system by transferring heat away
                     • Water is used for ex  nguishing fi re.
                                                                                          from one part to another is called
                     • Many people in Kashmir and Kerala make homes and live in           coolant.

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