Page 77 - ICSE Chemistry 6
P. 77

ocean                                 river                               stream
                                                            Fig. 4.3:  Surface water

                           Activity 4.2

                 Aim: To show that plants require fresh water
                 Materials required: 2 po  ed plants, saline water, tap water

                   •  Take two healthy po  ed plants and keep them in sunlight.
                   •  Water one plant with ordinary tap water and the other with saline water (water containing salt) for
                       a few days.
                 Observa  on: The plant watered with saline water did not grow well as compared to the plant watered
                 with tap water.
                 Conclusion: This shows that plants require fresh water for proper and healthy growth.


                 Some part of the rainwater falls on land, i.e., soil and gets collected under the ground. The water so
                 collected under the ground is called groundwater or undergroundwater. The level of water under the
                 ground is called water table. Water table varies according to the place and season. Groundwater is purer
                 as it gets fi ltered through many layers of sand, rocks and soil. It contains dissolved salts and is normally
                 free from suspended impuri  es.
                 Groundwater is found in wells and springs. Well water is the pool of             Impervious Layer
                 water that is obtained by digging the soil   ll its impervious layer. The   The layer that does not allow
                 water which comes out with pressure in the form of spring from any       liquid or gas to pass through is
                 opening in the earth cons  tutes the spring water. Groundwater can       called the impervious layer.
                 also be drawn by handpumps and tube wells or bore wells.

                            well                        spring                   handpump                  tube well
                                                        Fig. 4.4:  Sources of groundwater

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